'Golf can be best defined as an endless series of tragedies obscured by the occasional miracle, followed by great food, a drink and a good catch up with family and friends.'
Huddersfield Golf Club's history and tradition are key elements to the ethos of our club.
Huddersfield Golf Club is one of the oldest and finest championship golf courses in the North of England.
Here at Huddersfield, we believe in all members and guests receiving a warm Yorkshire welcome, creating those memorable moments and making sure you receive a fond farewell.
Our course recently hosted the England Men's Team Championships and Yorkshire 1st Division Championships while we are home to the Yorkshire Union of Golf Clubs. We have invested heavily in the quality and presentation of our 6,500 yard championship course. Greens prepared to USGA standard are quick drying, often fast running fairways offer a great days play. Our recently completed £300,000 bunker renovation project has delivered in improving consistency and strategy while restoring the traditional character to many of the holes.
The good taste of the 18th century and the wealth of the industrial 19th century combine to reflect the splendour of Fixby Hall making it one of the best appointed clubhouses.
In addition to the many golf societies who regularly visit the course, we play host to corporate and charity golf days and various meetings, private parties and weddings. Whether you are planning a four ball, a golfing away day, business meeting, conference, function or a wedding, you are assured of a memorable time at Huddersfield Golf Club.
We look forward to your visit soon.